2009 was a very good year. In fact, it was a darn good decade. When I began the last decade, I was an eighteen year old girl at a Phish concert in the everglades, just starting college and waking up. Now I'm pushing 30 and my heart's gonna bust open this year--this decade-- like never before.
Whenever January 1st rolls around, it's bittersweet for me. Sweet for the promise that it holds. Bitter for the regrets I find so hard to shake. I hold on to my regrets so tightly, hoping to learn from them, I suppose. I think I secretly wish I could squeeze them so tightly that they would just dissolve instead of becoming part of the fabric of me.

i reflect:
in the past decade, i graduated from college, married the love of my life, explored the rocky mountains with him, met some amazing people, moved back to alabama and bought a house, got sweet Honey, and planted the seeds of motherhood.
we got our puppy
we built a shed (only took us seven months to finish it!)

i learned to knit and got a job teaching handwork at Alabama Waldorf School
we brewed (and drank) some beer

other things happened too:
i cried happy tears when Obama was sworn in
i'm no longer a shopkeeper (and i'm glad)
my oldest best friend got married at an epic farm in NC
we went to boulder in the summer
i went to an Alabama Chanin workshop
found out i am fertile
my brother got married
we had a great time at the beach in October
we bought a new oven and washer and dryer (yes this is a big deal)
and i am probably forgetting something else
and these are just the highlights. some of my favorite moments are spent hanging out in pajamas with Alan or playing mexican dominoes lee and amanda.
this year i resolve:
to birth a baby
to learn how to be a mother
to dance more
to sing more
to write more in my journal and make some scrapbooks
to take my camera everywhere and take some better pictures
to live as a role model for my girl
to drink beer again--yeah!
Here's to a new decade of living with more compassion, more vitality, and more beauty.